Wednesday, January 14, 2009

exercising your muscle

When the High School staff was let go for Christmas break, I found some time to paint several hours at a time. My wife said I was exercising my muscle. All of these were done on 14 x 11 inch 50 lb sketch paper.

12-26-08 After working on that self portrait I wanted to put a figure in the scene.
Bierstadt did it once. I was trying out water reflections and describing rocks from my file.

unfinished-dark trees left with distant rock bluff

12-26-08 color scheme after Bierstadt, distant bluff was from White Rock quarry, left and right trees and figure were from my files.


12-28-08 after Sir Anthony Van Dyck

my own composition

12-29-08 tree cluster on slope, quarry face, and cow were from my files.

12-29-08 a study from a portion of Alfred Bricher's "Saco River"

12-29-08 unfinished

12-30-08 color study of Hogan Creek
(my own)
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