On The Easel
Quiet intersections create a web from which organic dark around light and light around dark are set like gemstones ...dangle and leaning shoots and dark fans play out their drama in this side yard jungle 20" h x 20" w on textured masonite panel this daunting scale from ground to sky eye and brush jumping zigzag across the span twenty-six inches from left to right edge forty inches from waist line tilting my neck upward twice not my usual activity, swishing as I goes in the same time I would devote to a small panel two hours craning, neck bending, sockets darting then...deciding to fix that glowing orb, right above is it a sketch? a watercolor? a ghost print? it stands for what it is. from this experience forward a volume has been set 40" h x 26" w on gessoed masonite the blue behind the lace of summer leaves in my backyard, tiny pin holes, naming the edges this underpainting took precedence ...instead of finishing it up as intended...I stopped to let this new color to my palette brag set aside on the dresser in my bedroom I snuck glances, peeks as I passed by, brief sips comments from a friend nearly pronounced this work complete that was a mistake this has the role of a teddybear when I've had my fill it will get a fresh life 37.5 " h x 28" w on gessoed masonite